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Biological Science in Agriculture Applications (BSAA)

(Science Credit)


Plant Science 1st Semester            Animal Science 2nd Semester


This course is designed to reinforce and extend students understanding of science by associating basic scientific principles and concepts with relevant applications in agriculture. Topics of study are in the areas of initiating plant growth (germination, plant sensory mechanisms, enzyme action, absorption), managing plant growth (photosynthesis, respiration, translocation, metabolism, and growth regulation), growth and development of animals (embryology, ethology, nutrition, immunity systems, and processing animal products (preservation, fermentation, and pasteurization). The course will be valuable preparation for further education and will increase the relevance of science through the applied setting of agriculture by enhancing literacy in science and the scientific process. Improving computer and workplace skills will be a focus. Participation in FFA student organization activities and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) projects is an integral course component for leadership development, career exploration and reinforcement of academic concepts

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